HAFRAH—Hotchkiss Alumni For Reconciliation and Healing—was organized shortly after the Hotchkiss Class of 1977 40th reunion. United by friendships that date back four decades, the first members recognized mutually held and deep seated feelings that Hotchkiss needed to confront its past scourge of educator sexual misconduct and abuse. The school’s culture of sexual abuse occurring before, during, and after our own time in Lakeville has been harmful, but as yet has remained largely unacknowledged and unaddressed. The pain and impact on victims, survivors, and friends of those who were otherwise affected run deep.
HAFRAH’s message to our alma mater has been firm, unwavering, and yet positive. We formed for a basic purpose. We love our school. We want its fiduciaries to
- own the problem,
- to investigate it fully and objectively, and
- to provide healing opportunities for those affected.
Most of all, we encourage Hotchkiss to stand among today’s peer schools as a beacon for how a 21st century school organizes and commits itself to a nurturing, safe, educational environment- one which all students and families expect and deserve.
We believe that Hotchkiss can be that beacon and we appreciate that Hotchkiss leaders are recognizing the problem. HAFRAH is now hundreds strong and is growing by the day. Your support of HAFRAH signals that you care and that you hold these same expectations dear. Reconciliation and healing are possible and within our sights. Thank you for your support!