Hotchkiss Alumni for Reconciliation and Healing - HAFRAH

HAFRAH’s purpose is to ensure that leaders at Hotchkiss

  • honestly recognize and acknowledge sexual misconduct and abuse that has occurred at our school
  • retain a truly independent investigator who will create an honest and accurate report of past sexual abuse at Hotchkiss
  • release the entire report to the school community
  • hold accountable those who perpetrated, tolerated or covered up sexual abuse
  • provide mental health assistance to survivors of sexual abuse at Hotchkiss in a manner which assures their confidentiality
  • develop state of the art policies and procedures at Hotchkiss to prevent sexual abuse
  • promote a culture at Hotchkiss which has a zero tolerance for sexual abuse.

We believe that reconciliation and healing from past abuse is possible and that Hotchkiss has the capability – and the responsibility – to pursue these goals. HAFRAH aims to promote healing and strengthen the past and present Hotchkiss community.

Invitation to Fellow Alumni

Please click SUPPORT below to be counted as a confidential supporter of HAFRAH. You will receive updates of our progress.

Our individual and collective voices demonstrate a commitment to helping Hotchkiss do the right thing.

Martha Bryan, Hotchkiss Class '77
Scott Busby, Hotchkiss Class '77
Carolyn Eaton, Hotchkiss Class '77
Alissa Keny-Guyer, Hotchkiss Class '77
Margaret Simpson, Hotchkiss Class '77
Fred Wacker, Hotchkiss Class '77
Jennifer Bryan, Hotchkiss Class '79

Hotchkiss Alumni For Healing And Reconciliation (HAFRAH)